
Sohn Applauds Reintroduction of the Broadband Infrastructure and Finance and Innovation Act

The Broadband Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act is an essential piece of the puzzle for ensuring that every household in America has affordable broadband Internet access.  By providing communities and public-private partnerships with secured loans, lines of credit, or loan guarantees to finance broadband infrastructure investments, BIFIA will ensure that federal dollars…

Sohn Praises Reintroduction of “Essential Piece” of Broadband Legislation

Today, House Majority Whip James Clyburn and Senator Amy Klobuchar reintroduced the "Accessible, Affordable Internet for All Act," which, among other things, provides $80 billion for broadband deployment, adds extra funds to the Emergency Broadband Benefit, provides funding for digital inclusion efforts, requires the FCC to collect certain pricing information from broadband providers…

Tech on the Rocks: We’re Going to Need a Bigger Boat: The Passage to Universal Broadband

The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the fact that broadband is essential for full participation in our society and economy. With school, work, and now vaccination registrations all taking place online, the need for universal broadband has never been greater. In late December, Congress passed a bipartisan emergency broadband benefit that provides…

Sohn calls exorbitant FCC fines on Educational Broadband Service licensees “an abuse of power”

Today, the FCC proposed over $47 million in fines on 10 nonprofit Educational Broadband Service spectrum licensees for allegedly violating rules that the Commission repealed last April.  The following statement should be attributed to Gigi Sohn:  "This action is the opposite of the 'regulatory humility’  this FCC claims to believe…

Trump FCC again puts industry interests over those of public safety, low-income Americans

This morning the FCC majority will approve an order that purports to address the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit's remand in Mozilla v. FCC. The court ordered the FCC to address the impact of its Restoring Internet Freedom Order and specifically the Order’s reclassification of broadband Internet access service as an…

Sohn Praises Big, Bold and Bipartisan Subcommittee Report on Big Tech and Antitrust

Sohn Praises Big, Bold and Bipartisan Subcommittee Report on Big Tech and Antitrust Today Rep. David Cicilline, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law released a 450-page report on the increasing monopolization of digital markets by a handful of large tech companies. The report, which is…