Washington Examiner: Liberals aim to restore net neutrality rules and go much further

Liberals are pressuring Democrats newly in power to pass net neutrality legislation, push for state-level internet regulations, and reinstate Obama-era Federal Communications Commission rules — the last of which they say is only a matter of time.

Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers should treat all data on the internet the same and not discriminate or charge differently based on where it’s coming from or to whom it’s going. Under Republican FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, the FCC in 2017 voted down rules created by the commission in 2015 that classified internet service providers such as AT&T and Comcast as Title II public utilities, subject to FCC control.

Democrats at the FCC are expected to reinstate the 2015 Title II regulations on internet service providers after President Biden nominates a fifth commissioner and gives them the majority. The rules were meant to ensure the providers could not block or inhibit access to certain types of web services from different providers or create pay-to-play fast lanes for certain content.

“We will get net neutrality, and Title II will happen,” said Gigi Sohn, a former FCC adviser and a fellow at the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law and Policy.

Sohn said that the bigger challenge would be pressing Congress to enact legislation, preventing industries from challenging regulations in court.

“We can stop this ping pong game between both sides on net neutrality that no one likes,” said Sohn, one of the most prominent advocates for Title II regulations.

More at Washington Examiner.