Medium: The Time to Get the Net Neutrality Rules Back is Now

Last December 14th, the Trump FCC repealed the 2015 network neutrality rules prohibiting broadband Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from favoring or discriminating against Internet traffic. In doing so, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) expressly abdicated its role protecting consumers and competition in the broadband market, leaving powerful companies like AT&T and Comcast with little government oversight. The repeal of the rules and the FCC’s oversight will become effective on June 11.

The blowback against this decision has been fierce and has taken place in three realms — the courts, the states and Congress. All are important, but the best way to restore net neutrality is in front of Congress right now, through a pending bill that would quickly overturn the December 14th decision, reinstate the 2015 rules and prohibit the FCC from enacting anything substantially similar in the future.

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